Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Friend...

Why am I so taken with you?

Is it the excitement
of thinking
we are so different?
Or the joy
of realizing
we are exactly the same? x

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010


I have an Aunt named Josephine. As a child, I was fascinated by her - and still am. Aunt Josephine wore petal-pushers (we now call them "capris") and tennie shoes (we now call those "disposable Walmart sneakers") and she could light up my life, just by showing up. I LOVE something she used to say and I have adopted it as one of my own sayings. She used to come to our house and would want us to go someplace with her. When my Mama would balk, Aunt Josephine would say, "Get your britches on and let's go!" Oh - how I loved to hear that! It meant we were going somewhere because, WHO in the world, could resist that order?
Now, years later, when I am trying to get a friend to do something with me and they say some nonsense like, "Oh - I couldn't do that," I simply repeat my Aunt's command: "GET YOUR BRITCHES ON AND LET'S GO!"
Works every time.
May Jesus hold you tenderly - today and always.
P.S. Britches - also known as "BREECHES" :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

To Touch...

Human touch is powerful. Oh - to long for it and not be able to have it. Gut-wrenching loneliness....

Don't forget to hug the one you love every day....

Friday, February 12, 2010


"Wait," I begged.
"Wait just a little while.
There is more I want to say to you. I have some things to show you.
We have more things to do."
But you paid no attention.
You ignored me quietly and then curtly,
with your eyes fixed on something I could not see nor be a part of - yet.
You had something else to do and it could not wait for me.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Against the Wall...

"Against the Wall"

Absolutely nothing is important - unless you can share it with someone...-

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


"Miss Lilly's Place"
Do you remember when it was common for people to pick up hitchhikers?
You could drive down the road anytime and see somebody with their thumb stuck out. My Daddy used to drive a long way to work, so he had lots of opportunities to give folks a ride. People used to tell Daddy he needed to be more careful about picking somebody up off the side of the road. But Daddy would just grin and say, "I'll be alright. I don't stop unless the Lord puts on the brakes."

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Golden Morning"
Hope 2010 is going great for you and yours! Almost finished painting the livingroom. And I didn't even have a big strappin' cowboy to help me!